301+ : Interviews with the Internet


301+ is a new series of blog posts I’m starting on the Huffington Post UK, in which I interview popular content creators, YouTubers and public figures on the Web who you don’t ordinarily hear about.

The first interview is scheduled for next Monday (16th June 2014) and there will hopefully be a new interview every subsequent Monday for as long as I can keep doing this. Meantimes, check out the release schedule by liking 301+ on Facebook, following 301+ on Twitter and encouraging everyone you know to do the same. I’ll also use the Facebook page to take suggestions of people to interview and questions to ask upcoming guests.

All 301+ Blog Posts

Series 1:
Part 1: Thug Notes
Part 2: The Blockbuster Buster
Part 3: Geek Crash Course
Part 4: Brock Baker
Part 5: Doctor Puppet

Series 2:
Part 6: Nostalgia Critic
Part 7: Lindsey Stirling